Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Final /k/ Homework Booklet: Free Speech Therapy Articulation Picture Book

My children love doing these articulation booklets during bedtime reading. I'm having trouble making enough of them. They want to read 2-3 of them each night. They've both run out of room for stickers in the sticker spot at the bottom of the cover. Michael has decided that his new goal is to cover all the white space on the cover of Alfie the Elephant with stickers and then turn over and cover the back too.

When I introduce a booklet for the first time the children need a fair amount of prompting to remember the target words. By the fifth or sixth time they are easily remembering all of the words and "reading" large chunks of the sentences as well. It's a great exercise in transitioning to phrases and sentences and they're begging to do it. It doesn't get better than that. Once the children are pretty good at the stories you can have them read the stories to each other, to a pet, to a friend, or to a grandparent as well.

Final /k/ Homework Booklet

To download click on the image to open it full size. Then right click on the image, choose "save as" and save the page to your computer.

I recommend you print on cardstock for durability.


This articulation homework booklet is designed to be an extension of my single-syllable card sets. The target words are all one syllable words that include no blends and no vocalic /r/ sounds. This booklet is designed to be read by a parent (or therapist, older sibling, classmate, teacher...) and child together. The helper reads the typewritten words pausing for the child to "read" the picture words. Each time the book is read, the helper can put a sticker/stamp/checkmark in one of the boxes on the front of the book. This will encourage multiple practice readings. The child's fluency should increase with each repeated reading. The words on the back page can be used for either auditory bombardment before reading the book together or for drill after finishing reading the book (or both). The target audience for these cards are children with speech delays who are ready to practice final/k/ sounds in a more natural context. Move to these exercises to add complexity and increase generalization after the child has achieved good accuracy with single words, single word repetitions, and simple alternating single words with the final /k/ sound.

Key Features

  • This booklet features 20 final /k/ words incorporated into a simple story to be read by a helper and child together.
  • The target words are one syllable words that do not contain vocalic /r/ sounds or any blends.
  • The words are easily understood by or easily taught to young children.


I give permission to copy, print, or distribute this booklet provided that:
  1. Each copy makes clear that I am the document's author.
  2. No copies are altered without my express consent.
  3. No one makes a profit from these copies.
  4. Electronic copies contain a live link back to my original and print copies not for merely personal use contain the URL of my original.

Looking for Feedback

I would love to hear back from anyone who uses this booklet. Let me know if you find errors or there is anything you would change. Comment on this page, or send me an email at testyyettrying(at)gmail(dot)com.

Where can I find more?

More card sets and related printables are on my Free Speech Therapy Articulation Cards page.

Here is a picture of a homework booklet (the /l/ booklet) printed on cardstock and folded into the booklet. It slides nicely in between board books to be pulled out and read during bedtime story time.

Other Speech Practice Booklets Available:

1 comment:

  1. Mary McDevitt KraljicAugust 5, 2015 at 8:55 PM

    Incredible resources. Thank you so much. I am making a power-point presentation with the individual cards and will now be able to quickly personalize each articulation drill.


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